Current AIM families can access details about the 2023-2024 season on our PLAYER SITE.
All American Aim is a Fall and Summer program, it is encouraged that you play both seasons. The time commitment varies depending on the graduation year. Players are expected to attend all practices and tournaments. If a player is consistently absent, placement on the team will be in jeopardy and subject to dismissal.
1-2 Tournaments
3-6 Practices *Weather Permitting
2-3 Tournaments
4-6 Practices *Weather Permitting
3-4 Tournaments
4-8 Practices *Weather Permitting
2-4 Tournaments
8-12 Practices *Weather Permitting
3-5 Tournaments
10-14 Practices *Weather Permitting
*Please know the above information is tentative and is subject to change.
Our practices are held at indoor and outdoor facilities in Cherry Hill, NJ and we plan on continuing to do so as long as the times are available throughout the year. Sunday morning practices are the norm in the Fall, Winter, Spring, and early Summer. We may occasionally have weeknight practices in the Fall and will certainly have them in June and July.
*Locations and dates are subject to change based on availability.
Alternates attend all practices, get a uniform and there is a chance they may be offered the opportunity to attend one or more tournaments. They play at a reduced cost initially and then pay per tournament when asked. If the practice player is asked to play in all tournaments, the total cost will equal that of a full rostered player. Alternates are required to pay the deposit in order to hold their spot on the team.
Failure to maintain this membership will result in removal from the roster.
All American Aim has established a fantastic reputation for coaching! We pride ourselves in having a knowledgeable, experienced and passionate coaching staff. Throughout the year your daughter will gain exposure to multiple coaching styles.
All American Aim’s mission is to compete at the highest level against the best competition while fostering the growth of each athlete in our program. We take a team approach to the club atmosphere and believe that playing with and for each other allows for maximum success. Each season, AIM attends different tournaments with a wide variety of competition levels. Some tournaments are set up as showcase tournaments and some are championship format. At these more competitive tournaments, it benefits the entire All American Aim program for the teams to perform well. In those situations, playing time could be determined with the focus on winning. We do not guarantee equal playing time.
After accepting a roster spot for ALL AMERICAN AIM, there will be no refunds. Refunds are non-refundable, non-transferable, and non-deferrable. Tournaments have their own policies for canceled events, there will be no refunds for a canceled tournament unless the club is issued one. Any and all payments made to All American Aim are deemed to have been made with full knowledge and understanding of the No Refund Policy and the information included in this document.
Players are not entitled to team roster spots from one year to the next. Tryout performance, while major, is only one step in the evaluation process. Players are constantly being evaluated. Please note that AIM reserves the right to move players back and forth between alternate statue, the Stars and Stripes team and the “grad year” team. If a team has thirteen or less players committed, it is possible for that team to be disbanded due to low numbers. It is also possible that players could be added after an evaluation to a team with a low roster size at a later date.
All American Aim’s mission is to compete at the highest level against the best competition while fostering the growth of eachathlete in our program. It is important to us that we create a positive, character-building experience for our athletes but that is not something we can do on our own. For that to be possible, we need parents, players and fans to understand and commit to our programs philosophies and beliefs. We take a team approach to the club atmosphere and believe that playing with and for each other allows for maximum success.
Good sportsmanship is expected at all AIM functions, including but not limited tournaments and practices. Although competition may become intense, we expect our participants to maintain good sportsmanship at all times. As a participant in any AIM function, we ask the players, fans & parents to:
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